Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Chapters 17-18 and Respond to a classmate

You have 2 assignments for the blog.

1. After reading chapters 17-18, why don't the boys say something about the Warden's cruelty?

  • Go to our "New day, new blog" and click on the "29 comments" (you will see everyone's responses from last night).
  • Read a few responses from our class.
  • Choose 1 and respond to that student by hitting "REPLY".
  • Type at least 6 sentences of why you agree or disagree with what they wrote.
  • Submit your response the normal way.


  1. The boys won't say something about the wardens cruelty because they are afraid that she will give them more work and will take away their water privileges or they are afraid that she will make them work even harder and never let them get off of work and never let them leave camp green lake.This is my opinion....

  2. The boys probably don't say anything about what the warden did because their's no one to tell. The boys can't tell anybody because no one is above the warden. If they tell Mr.Sir or Mr.Pendanski they don't have the ability to get the warden in trouble. Also, the warden can be like a leader of a tribe. No matter what the boys should of told because the boys should not be treated like that. That is what i think.

  3. The boys don't say something about the Warden cruelty because if they say something to the Warden she will double his years in camp green lake. Also, because no one is in charge of the Warden. But she is in charge of Mr. Pendanski like a slave. But she is like a principle in the school she is the big bass. like if i get in trouble in school they will have a note to your mom or dad. Also, the Warden will not give you a note for you mom or dad you are going to get more years in camp green lake.

  4. I think the boys do not say anything about th wardens cruelty because they mite be afraid of her.They are afraid because how she was bossing mr.pandanski around.She seem very very very scarie to me.Shure she is soft on the in side she cruel outside of he.She even got some cruel in side.And no one has got the gut to stand up to her.

  5. The boys do not stand up to the wardens cruelty because they are scared of her.They do not want her to do the same thing she did to Armpit.They do not want her to jab them with a pitchfork.They also do not want to make her angrier than she already is.If she jabs someone with a pitch fork if they make her angrier she will probably stab them.She could even make them stay at camp green lake forever.She can even make them dig all day.

  6. The boys don't say anything about the wardens cruelty because they are scared of her. I think this because of the way that she asks. Like in chapter 16 when she told mr.pendanski told her that he already filled the canteens she wanted him to dig a hole. I also think they didn't say anything about the cruelty because they don't want to get on her bad side. Also because she might make them dig much longer. And that's why I think they didn't say anything about her cruelty

  7. I think that Stanley and the boys dont say anything because they dont have the guts to do it.I also think they dont say anything because they are scard of the warden.Or their is a rule that if you talk back to the warden you get punished.I also think they dont say anything beause they are ok with digging.One last reason why I think the boys dont say anything is because if they do say something, nothing is going to change.That is why I think the boys dont say anything.

  8. the boys don't tell any thing to Stanley about the Warden (by the way it was weird that the warden is a GIRL!!!!!)cruelty because the Warden might hear what they said about her.She might make them do more work if she heard something about herself.Maybe someone might tell the Warden.They might also not tell Stanley Because they were to tired and working to talk.I think it was the right thing to do.What might happen Next is that Stanley might find something else and he will get the day off.But then maybe he will go back down in the water line

  9. The boys don't say anything about the Warden's cruelty because she's the main boss and a little scary. SHE'S the one who provides them and can do anything she wants to them. I'm pretty sure most of the boys are used to it or were expecting it. In the book the Warden jabbed Armpit with a pitchfork because he was using the restroom instead of working. When that happened Armpit fell in the big hole and ended up with 3 holes in his shirt and 3 baby spots of blood. That's how mean and scary the Warden could be.

  10. the boys say nothing because like x-ray said the warden has .littel microfones that the can not see and if she hear. what they are saying about her she will get mad and. make them work more and longer. houers also the person who talked about her will get no water and dig bigger houels.

  11. The boys don't say anything to the warden because they are scared of her.they are scared of her because she the warden or the boss and if they try to stand up for themselves they might end up digging more holes.Also if they try to stand up for themselves the could stay at camp green lake for two and a half years!Plus they could have to get up more early and if the wardens really cruel she might not have them skip meals.And she might make them start to dig 6 feet tall holes that are 6 feet wide, twice!Also the kids know she is really mean so they wouldn't want to mess with someone who is already mean and cruel.

  12. I believe that the reason why the boys won't say nothing about the wardens cruelty is because their afraid. One way I know is they are scared of standing up to the warden and demand what they won't. Second way I knw is everybody doesn't have courge to have a pole or a strike. Third way I know is Stanley thinks something's bad going to happen. Fourth way I know is X-Ray thinks he's all that, but he can't even talked to the warden about her non-sense. Fifth way I know is even Mr.Sir is scared he might get fired by his "Boss". Last way I know is everybody doesn't want to get in trouble with the insane warden aka "The Boss"....

  13. The boys don't say anything about the wardens cruelty because they are to scared of her. They are scares that she might not give them water or make them dig two holes. If I told warden about her cruelty then I wouldnt care if she didnt give me water or make me dig two holes. I dont know why the boys are scared of the warden. I think they shouldnt be scared of the warden because she might not do anything to them after all.

  14. The boys don't say anything to Warden's cruelty because they can't say anything.If they say something who knows what will happen to them.Also if they say something I guess they will drive him all they way to the dessert where there is no food, no water..etc I think that the warden is like cruella De vil just more mean.Curella thinks things through.The Warden doesn't say "oh should I give this child a chance?". Still they are both mean Really mean!I guess the boys are like this women stole the fun out of this camp like the Grinch did with Christmas.

  15. I think the two boys don't say anything about the Wardens cruelty because they don't want to get on his bad side, I mean I wouldn't want to. The warden will probably do something bad to you or something. They wouldn't want to be known as the people who snitched on the warden. People would probably not like them. What would happen if the Warden got snitched on? Stanely would be gone.

  16. The boys don't say anything because she is cruel. They don't want to get on the wardens bad side. They like to be able to get water. i don't think they want the warren to make them work in the hottest part of the day. the warden is like a queen if you keep her happy everybody is happy. Because the warden is so cruel she could expose them to yellow spotted lizards or make them dig two holes.

  17. Alexa "im so koo"May 23, 2012 at 9:05 PM

    I think the boys didn't say anything to the Warden because they don't want to get into trouble with her.I also think they didn't say anything because they didn't want to argue with her like Mr.Pendanski did.I also think they didn't say anything because they got to tired of digging.Also they probaly got tierd of her repeating the same thing over and over saying"This is no bigger than it was when I left you yesterday"...................

  18. They do not say nothing about the warden because she is mean and scary and disrespectful to cave man zig zag squid and all the other boys so the boys are scared to talk about her because maybe they will get in trouble by the one who works there

  19. 1-The boys do not say anything about the Warden's cruelty because she might get mad.I also think they did not say nothing because they heard how she was treating Mr.Pendanski.Another reason they did not say something because they might be scared of her.The fourth reason is because she might put them to work longer and no shower.The final reason is because they might stay there even if they find something interesting they might not get the day off.

  20. 1. The boys didn't say anything because the warden is like their boss or mother to them and if they do something bad their in trouble.
    2. The warden grabbed a pitch fork and poked someone and left three holes that show blood.
    3. The warden was nagging about filling the canteen up now she's complaining about their canteens getting filled to much.
    4. Zero didn't know how to ready so he ask if he could be teached how to.

  21. The boys doesn't say nothing about the Warden's cruelty because she is too cruel. If the boys say something the Warden will get mad. Nobody would not want to say a mean truth to a cruel person, I wouldn't either. Also the Warden might hit you and they are already so sore. They could if all of them just trap her in someway and just explain their feelings to her. They need to be brave and take risk.
