Tuesday, May 22, 2012

New day, new blog



Do you think the agreement that X-Ray and Stanley came up with is fair? Why or why not?

How does Stanley new nickname make him feel? How do you know?

Does Stanley moving up in the water line at the end of your reading mean anything? Why or why not?


  1. Stanley new nickname makes him feel glad they call him caveman. He feels apart of the whole group. He used to feel by his self but now that he has a nickname he feels part of a new family. He is not scared of the bully anymore. By his expression and by how he talks. The bully used to bully him a long time ago.

    1. I agree because he used to be all alone. Also Stanley now feels like he is in the pack(group). Also that he was thinking about the pack (group) going to his school and beating up the bully! I totally agree now he was thinking that in his mind over and over and over... But he not like in a family.. Their like Brothers sort of.

    2. I agree with Kimberly because Stanley is glad he has a nickname.I think this means a lot because once in his life nothing bad is going to happen.This really is great for Stanley,he has nickname he's now known by.Also I agree that he feels a part of the group.His nickname means he's a part of that family.His nickname spred around fast even the warden knew it.

    3. I think that you are right Kimberly he does like his name cave man because it does remind him of his family and people don't bully him no more.

  2. No i dont think it is a good deal because stanley barly knowes. x-ray and he found is not X-ray whene he. finds something then he can show it to mr.pandanski if its no good then to bad and stanley diserves. a day off he has been working. hard also x-ray gose fast with his houel he dose not diserv a day off. yes it mean something because maby before stanley came to. camp green lake an they disided how the line. whent and when stanley was the last one to come. to camp green lake he hast to be in the bake of the line.

    1. Marcos I agree with you. I like the part when you said that how stanley came last so he should be in the back of the line.its only fair.I also agree with the part when you said that if stanley found it he should get the day. Because your right stanley doesnt even know x ray. When he gave the tube to him I thought he was just being scared that if he didn't he would get picked on.

  3. Stanley moving in front of Zero in the water line mean a lot to Stanley because that makes him feel much used and important. He feels much more important because he helped X-Ray to get the day off.Just like I said before,HE SHOULD'NT HAVE DONE THAT.X-Ray was so happy so he let Stanley get one spot more to the front but he is just a little bit from the back of the line.But he is still not the sharpest one.But if he DIDNOT DO IT HE MIGHT HAD WENT HIGHER.>(

  4. The agreement x ray made with Stanley is bad.I think this because it not fair to Stanley or the other people.If you found something you found something.Stanley wants the day of too.It doesn't matter whose been there more years.He should not boss Stanley around so much.

    1. I agree because stanley found the gold tube first and x-ray been. there for years i dont kare sanley diservers a day off it. was in his houle he found is x-ray is not the boss the warden the boss she controls the kids not x-ray.everybody is like x-ray slave and when they get the water. truck its a line noe zero is behind stanley and changed there name.

  5. Caveman helped X-ray get a bigger day off instead of part of a day. I think he wanted to tell Mr Pendanski that he found something. Which he didn't found the pencil that says KB. He is getting better at digging holes even if its harder for him. He moving in the water line because of X-Ray telling him that he did a good job. Digging holes and he gives it to him because he has been digging holes since a long time. He is giving it also because he is a nice person.

  6. Stanley's new nickname makes him feel happy because on page 53. He felt happy that they called him caveman. Stanley was thinking about his friends helping him with his problem Derrick. no i think that the agreement is not fair because then X-ray would get the day off and Stanley wont. Instead of getting the warden what they found now, X-ray is going to give the warden the tube they found. Instead of giving the tube to Zig Zag he gave it to X-Ray and Zig-Zag gave him advice.

  7. 1.I do not think that the agrement that Stanley and xray did is fair.I do not think is fair for Stanley.When Stanley finds something he gives it to xray instead of keeping it.And for everything that Stanley finds xray gets a day of.Stanley could just keep what he finds and get a day of himself.Stanley is also not standing up for himself that is my opinon.
    2.Stanley's new nickname suites him.It also make him feel excepted in the group.Since everyone else has a nickname.Is also glad they call him caveman.I know because on page53 and 54,it said"He was glad they called him caveman.It meant they accepted him as a member of the group.Stanley is just glad they gave him a nickname.I know because on page 54 it said that"He would have been glad even if the'd call him barf bag

  8. 1. no i do not think the agreement that x-ray and stanley came up is fair. I think this because if stanley found it he should get credit for it not anyone else. also because whatever they are looking for might be in stanleys hole so that means they are looking in the wrong hole.
    2.yes,stanley moving up in the water line at the end of my reading.Ithink this because that means he's apart of X-rays group now. so that means that no one will ever mess with him

  9. I think Stanley likes his new nickname.I know how Stanley feels I have had a nickname before.First I did not know what it meant.Before my dad told me what it meant.It's his nickname now he has to live With it.I know he likes it because he said so in the book.

    1. I kinda agree about his nickname it dose makes him happy and likes it but I DECREE you don't have to live with you can go head and change it or go by your regular name instead of being called by your nick name.

  10. Stanley was moving up in the water of the line because X- Ray told him to.
    he moved up because x ray commands all of the kids that are in the camp. Also, because since caveman help him and gave a hand to X- Ray. X- Ray most of say was why not give a hand to him if he did it for him. Also maybe because X- Ray had been in the camp for a very long time.Caveman had't been in the camp as long time as X- Ray.

  11. Yes because Stanley as a person he wanted to be a good friend. Plus he never knows if X-Ray ever had a whole day off of digging holes.I think that Stanley did good in giving that tube to X-Ray.Also Stanley doesn't need a break he is new.Now if you see it from Stanley's point of view X-Ray really needs that break He has been there way before Stanley.Also Stanley is energetic he is very active and on the other hand X-Ray is tired of digging holes every day!

    Well I think that Stanley feels bad that they are calling him "caveman" because usually cavemen are dumb.Also when X-Ray called him "cavemen"it was in the use of the sentence "Good thinking,Caveman". I probably (in my opinion) think that,that meant that X-Ray didn't expect any good thinking from Stanley.Plus I know that from the prior knowladge that people have of caveman they wouldn't like to be called that.Also Stanley is a very smart man,couldn't they have gave him a different nickname?Now I know how Stanley feels I used infrencing,I used my prior knowldge and from the text in the book.

    1. I do NOT AGREE with my friend Yesenia. I do not because Stanley is not really energetic.He should also get credit for what he finds.If you were Stanley would you like someone to take credit for what you did,NO!!!!! I know i would not.If you really think about it Xray is kind of using Stanley. If Stanley is trying to be a good friend then Xray is being a terrible friend.

    2. I agree with you because good friends do good things to people the call friends. Stanley has also been their for a couple of days he hasn't dug nearly as many holes as X-Ray. X-Ray has also never had a day off it really wouldn't be fair because stanley just came and gets a day off and X-Ray has been there for a year and has no days off. Also Stanley is chubby he needs the workout. It would e a good thing for Stanley in two ways. He's doing a good deed and he's losing wait at the same time.

    3. Alexa Mayela ArdonMay 23, 2012 at 9:38 PM

      I agree with Yesenia but at the saqme time I dont.It right that X-Ray has been there since Stanley.He needs a break.I also agree with her because Stanley might be more active than X-Ray.But also at the same time I dont agree because X-ray bosses Stanley around because he lets he lets him.I know everybody must think X-Ray is cool because he bosses people around.I do not think Stanley did the right thing by giving X-Ray the tube.I know they are all tired of digging but i dont think it is fair that X-Ray gets the tube when Stanley had to dig up and find it.

  12. Stanley's new nickname made him felt cool because Stanley stood up tne lump. Then x ray and squid. If was me i would not fight with any one because that will cause problems with me and that person in the camp and will not get a nickname because that is dumb. Stanley shouldn't get nickname because they give nickname except zero.
    The agreement was not fair because x ray is just lazy he is only doing that because he wants to get out of digging holes. If it was me I would've said NOOOOOOOO because you to get of digging holes.

    1. I think that is pretty cool of what you will do. I would what you would do.I would give it to Mr."Pendancekey" about it so then THE WHOLE GANG WON'T BE DIGGING IN THE WRONG PLACE.So ya that is pretty coolXD.

    2. I agree with you Jacob it is unfair.And if Stanley finds something really good the warden might give a long time off.Also if Stanley finds something like diamonds or gold the warden might let him go home,and what does Stanley get?Nothing because he let x-ray have it.And since Stanley still at camp digging holes he might try to tell the warden or Mr. Sir he found it witch might make things worse for Stanley.So I also think it is not a good that Stanley and x-ray made.And I would also say NOOOO!!!!

  13. No the agreement is not fair because if Stanley found something then he should get the day off. If X-Ray found something with his "BAD EYES" he should get the day off. Also you can really tell Stanely didn't know what X-Ray was really talking about. On page 53 it says "Why should you get a day off when you've been here a couple of days? If anybody gets a day off, it should be me. That's only fair right." says X-Ray "I guess" said Stanley.

    Yes, it does mean something when Stanley moved up the water line. That can probibly mean that he is now in the Pack(Group). Stanley probibly is now friends with X-Ray and X-Ray controls the Groups order. Or can Probibly mean they just don't want him to be in the back. Probibly the Pack (group) wants Stanley to get the whole pack a day off so thats why they probibly moved him up. That is what I think it can mean.

    1. I disagree , because X- Ray had been in camp green lake for a long time. Than Caveman he just been hear for about 5 weeks or something like that. He wanted to help X- Ray because he has bad eyes. Also, because he needs glasses for his eyes. Thats why he hadn't found something for years. They wan't to give a hand to each other like friends.
      I agree, because it makes him feel like he's part of the family. He's better at communicating now with the family. Now they are giving a hand to Stanley so that he can give a hand to the group. They're working together. They're acting like a team. They have to work together to protect themselves from the yellow spotted lizard and the Warden and their surroundings.

  14. I think the agreement that Stanley and x-ray made is unfair.I think it's unfair because if Stanley found something good like a part of something old and vauluable, if he gives it to x-ray he will get all the of the credit,not Stanley.And if Stanley really good like diamonds,gold or silver,x-ray might get a week off or he could go home.I think that Stanley moving up in the line does mean something.I think it means that if you move up in the line it means you get more popular and more appreciated.So if Stanley keeps on getting more popular or giving really good stuff to x-ray he might move up more and maby one day he might be second in line.

  15. Stanley feels about his nickname caveman he is glad about it. So it makes Him feel that he is part of a whole family like for ex: his family. Also because they are like showing Him he is part of a family. He feels like he at home. But because he has been a bad boy. Also, maybe because he dose not like his name at all. He is ok persons calling him caveman .

  16. I think the agreement with X-ray and Stanley is unfair. Let's say Standley finds something that can grant him a day off digging, but if he gives it to X-ray then he would be granted. Stanley did all that hard work for nothing. I feel that X-ray is using Stanley just to get the day off. Stanley only listened to him because he was the leader of the group and Stanley was scared.

    I think his new nickname made him feel welcomed because it says it the book how he was now in the group. He may also feel like he's created new friends and how they might stand up for him.

    1. I very much agree with you. To be honest I thought that X-ray plain asked Stanley to help him out with getting a day off.I never really thought much about X-ray USING HIM to get a break.Though in the beginning X-ray was a little nice to him. Then AFTER Stanley helped X-ray out X-ray was really kind to him and helped him out.So yes, I think that can be a possible answer to their deal.As for his nickname I also agree.He did seem to feel like a member of the group when he was given a nickname. He seems to like it a lot since he was telling Mr.Pendanski to call him by the nickname he was given.Even the Warden knows and calls Stanley by his nickname. Although Mr.Pendanski doesn't seem to like the idea of their nicknames.Either way he calls them by their real names.

  17. 1.) His new nickname makes him feel weird because when they first called him"Caveman" he was confused but he did not mine.
    3.)It dose mean something to me because it wants me to read more and a predict it.

  18. 1.) His new nickname makes him feel weird because when they first called him"Caveman" he was confused but he did not mine.
    3.)It dose mean something to me because it wants me to read more and a predict it.

  19. No, I don't think the agreement Stanley and X-ray made was fair. Just because X-ray is blind doesn't mean that Stanley has to give him a day off. Although it doesn't really matter who gets a day off because its only 1 day which can go by fast and you'll be digging holes all over again. Stanley seems to like his nickname. In the story it said that Stanley was glad they called him Caveman because it meant they accepted him as a member of the group. It gave him confidence.He thought if they were his friends they would stand up for him and he would fit in.

    1. I agree with Alaze, what if Stanley worked really hard but has to give X-ray the day off. That's not fair to me. Why can't Stanley stand up to X-ray after all, Stanley is bigger than him. I also agree that Stanley likied his new nickname because it means they accepted him into the group. It ment he was one of them.

  20. I think Stanley likes is new nickname. He says that his nickname is better than being called barf bag.he also said he's glad they call him caveman. He happy they accepted him in a group. Me personally think caveman is a cool nickname. It makes it seem like they think I'm cool and superior and like I'm strong.

    1. I Agree with you there because cavemen are considered strong,superior and well cool.I think that even though that is a cool name Stanley should have gotten a different name like I don't know "mask". When someone is called a nickname it is usually by there personality like me "smiley"I do smile a lot!Well I got a question for you do you consider Stanley's personality close to a cavemen personality?Now I could Say one thing, there you changed my mind I thought cavemen were dumb but truly they did do some ancient drawings.I would probably like to be called "caveman" too.He did say he liked the name on pg 53 and 54


    1. I disagree with Daisy. What I think is Stanley likes his nickname caveman because he feels like he's in the group. It's not that he likes digging. My opinion is that you should read more carefully and if needed,go back and reread the story so you could have more information on the real reasons why Stanley likes to be called CaveMan. So next time make sure to use any kind of context clues or etc to find out more about Stanley's thoughts, opinions or feelings. Another thing don't feel bad if your response wasnt all that, it's just your way of explaining your thoughts. So good luck on your new entry Daisy Luz........!

    2. That is not actully not true its because sloching stood up to the lump. Then x ray and squid gave him the nickname caveman. Not just because he digs holes too much. Then they have to put his nickname digger which is probly weird. He thinks his new nickname cool because he is getting respect from x ray and squid so yes I would have to agree on you except the part when likes to dig holes. But good thinking.

  22. I believe that the agreement Stanley made with X-Ray was not very fair. One reason why is because X-Ray is trying to take aventeg of Stanley. Another is because Stnley desvers a break too. Last reason is because it's unfair to try and take credit for something you didn't do.
    When everybody starts to call Stanley "Caveman" it makes him feel positive. One way I know is everyboody has to have a nickname, so Stanley likes it when he's treated as if he was that person. Another way I know is Stanley starts to get happy in the story, when he is called by this descriptive nickname. Last way I know is in the story he felt as if he is apart of the actual group, the group of people who are buds ,friends etc.

    1. I agree with Dajion because it is not fair.I also agree that he is taking advantage of him.Stanley does deserve a break because he works very hard.I agree it is not nice to take advantage of people.I agree that he feels posotive.I agree that he feels that he is a part of an actual group.

  23. I do not think the agreement that X-Ray and Stanley came up with was not fair. I think that because if Stanley finds something interesting he shoud get the day off. I think Stanley's new nickname makes him feel sad because Cavemen are usually fat and dirty. I also think it made him feel mad.

  24. I don't think the agreement that Stanley and X-Ray did is fair because while Stanley is still digging X-Ray is just done. I also think it is not fair because. Just because Stanley is the new kid it doesn't mean he has to make him do everything he wants.His nickname was caveman.it made him feel like a bad boy.Because when X-Ray gave him the nikename X-Ray said no one better mess with cavemen so that made him feel bad and tough.

    1. I agee with Alexa Ardon because X-ray not doing no work at all and Stanley is doing all the digging. Also I agree because He is a new kid. X-Ray doesn't need to pick on him, he need to make Stanley feel comfortable. After he makes Stanley feel comfortable, then he can be aggressive.
      I also agree with the caveman question because cave man means dirty and tough. Stanley is a nice guy and doesn't wanna be called mean names because hes a new kid.

    2. I agree with both of your answers.because I don't think it's fair that Stanley has to work hard to dig.also he shouldn't wast his energy digging for something interesting.just to impress x-ray. Also I agree with your other answer that since Stanley got his new nickname the caveman. because he did think he was big and bad because he thought since the bully didn't fight him because his friends said his name was caveman that why you couldn't fight him.So he did think he was bad.

  25. I think the deal was bad because stanley works hard. He found a fossil and they told him it wasn't good.He had blisters on his hands. He was bleeding so bad that he got it on his hat. He needs to lie to his mom.That's why that's a bad deal he tried his best.
    He feels that he is part in a family because they are the only people that he talks to. He feels that he has friends because he never have friends. He feels cool because no body had had made a nickname for him before. He feels safe with them because nobody will bother him. He will that no body will bully him because x-ray group will protect him. He will feel like a piece in a puzzle because no body will hurt him.

  26. I think the ageemate that x-ray and Stanley came up with is not fair because if your you can't find any interesting things . Also you work very hard just to find something intresting so you can get the rest of the day for you to relax and sleep.if I was Stanley I wouldn't give someone something that I found just to be more popular I would keep it to my self and sleep the rest of the day.

    I think Stanley Feels more confidants in himself about his nickname.The reason I think stanley feel more confidant when he is called cave man is because in the lat chapter when a boy started to mess with Stanley people started to say you didn't want to start anything If their name is caveman.

    I do think that when Stanley cuts the line at the end does mean something.He maybe wanted to talk to mr.pendanski about how if he found something x-ray was making him give it to him because x-ray thought he should get days off if he doesnt really deserved it because he didnt have to work.

  27. I think that Stanleys and x-ray deal was not fair because anything that stanley finds should belong his and because if he gives it to x-ray he is just wasting his time digging.I think that Stanleys new nickname makes him feel care free because the boys in the camp with him are going to have his back from Derrick the boy who bullys him well thats what Stanley thinks.

  28. No i do not think the agreement that X-ray and Stanley made up is fair. Anything that Stanley finds while he digs up dirt, he has to give it to Stanley. It's not fair because Stanley is do all that hard work for nothing and don't get paid. Stanley deserves a little payment for his job. What if it was an I-pad, we have to give it to X-ray. X-ray is just sitting there not doing nothing but bossing them around. Why would I wanna give so body what I find that's bossy. Stanley is happy also. He is giving X-ray all of his work.
