Sunday, May 20, 2012

2012 Summer Olympics

Answer these questions regarding the Olympics.

1. Have all the Olympic athletes for this summer's Games been selected? Explain.

2. How are the modern Games different from the ancient Games?

3. Based on his quote, list words that describe boxer Joseph Diaz Jr. and explain why you chose these words.

4. The Olympic motto is "Faster, higher, stronger!' Come up with your own Olympic motto.


  1. Macros H. Sophia C. Alaze D.May 23, 2012 at 10:56 AM

    Olymipic London Games

    #1. The worlds best athletes will be selected through July. 10,500 athletes from 204 nations will complete 26 sports.

    #2. Ancient games were held in Olympia,Greece and the Modern games were held in a different city every time.Only male athletes competed in the Ancient games competed and only the 1st place winners were given a crown made of branches. Modern games both female and male athletes may compete and 1st,2nd, and 3rd place winners are given gold medals.
    #3. Joseph is determined because he's there to get his medal. He's nervous but confident. He'll be worried at first but then it will go away.
    #4. Have confidence, strength and motivation!

  2. Rodrigo,Jasmine,DajionMay 23, 2012 at 10:59 AM

    1)No ,because some of the athletes didn't make it to the olympics so they will be select them in July.
    2)The modern games are different because they are held in different places and time. The Ancient games are different because ,they are always held in the same place and time.
    3)Hard working to get the gold medal because he is going to try his best to win. Hopeful because he wants to accomplish his goal. I also think that he is out going because he wants to be a champion.
    4)Having wisdom, believe in you're self, and having courage thats are motto.

  3. Alisha,Aaron.Jesu kbMay 23, 2012 at 11:01 AM

    Yes,all of the athletes for the Olympic have been accepted for the summer olympic.

    The ancient games Olympic were always held in Greece also the ancient games were every four years. The modern games olympics were held in different city every summer.Also the modern games were held every two years.

    We choose determined to describe mr.Diaz because he is determined to win.
    We chose corsages to describe mr.Diaz because he is corsage to win the golden medal.
    We chose brave to describe Mr. Diaz because he goes to fight for a medal.

    what we chose for the motto is teamwork ,confidence,accomplishments

    He is

  4. Jocelyn, cherish and jovannieMay 23, 2012 at 11:01 AM

    Not all athletes are going to be chosen because only the best athletes are going to be chosen for the Olympics.
    The modern Olympic games are different from the ancient Olympic games because the modern games take place in different cities and the ancient games are held only In Olympia greece, the modern games are held every two years are the winter and summer games and the ancient games are held every four years.The modern games have 10500 males and females playing from 204 countries and the ancient games has only males from Greece and in the modern games have first,second and third place and get a medal but the ancient games give the first placer a olive branched crown.

  5. Evelysse,Venessa,DarionMay 23, 2012 at 11:07 AM

    1.Yes because 10,500 athletes from 204 nations will be competing in 26 sports.
    2.The games are different because the acient games were always held in olyimpia greece and the modern games are held each time in a different city.
    3.Joseph Diaz Jr his list is Strong,sometimes nervous,loves his job,eager because his quote says "I will be nervous but once the first bell rings all my neves will go away.
    4.Our motto is bravery,risky,and competitive

  6. Alexa, Deja, CristianMay 23, 2012 at 11:08 AM

    1.) No, because some of the athletes are not that good.
    2.) The ancient games were always held in Olympia, Greece. Now the games are held in different cities.
    3.) Selfish,greedy, and honest. He is selfish and greedy because he only wants the gold. He is honest because he said the truth.
    4.) Healthy,fast,compete and courage. Healthy, because they need to be healthy. Fast, because They are all fast. Compete, because they are competing. Courage because they have courage in them self.

  7. Jocelyn, cherish and jovannieMay 23, 2012 at 11:08 AM

    The words that describe joseph diaz jr. Are inspired, self confident, and ready. We chose these words because he said "im going to be there for one thing and one thing only -the gold medal. So that means the medal is inspirational.

    Our Olympic motto is strength grab and leap. Strength stands for training and grab stands for grab your goals and leap stands for go higher for what you want!

  8. Kimberly g, Daisy luz r. , Melvin oMay 23, 2012 at 11:08 AM

    1.The Olympics athletes , have not been selected because 10,500 athletes from 204 nations will compete in 26 sports.

    2. Ancient games: were always in Greece,only the best male athletes compete from Greece.
    Modern games: Olympics games wear held in a different city each time.

    3. Joseph Diaz - (nervous) I will be nervous but when it starts I don't.
    he was a fighter -He began when he was 10 years old when he began boxing.
    Strong- he gets strong when the bells rings.
