Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Better late than never....

Please answer questions 1 AND 2 after reading your chapters tonight.
P.S. There is also a BONUS question that will count for extra credit.

  1. How have attitudes changed since 1890 when Sam. the Onion Man, kissed Kate Barlow?
  2. Are Zero's troubles at camp a reflection of prejudice?


     Kate Barlow was killed by a yellow spotted lizard. Does such a lizard really exist?

    Also don't forget to vote in our class poll for favorite character in the book!!!!!
    (Look over to the right of this page!)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Chapters 17-18 and Respond to a classmate

You have 2 assignments for the blog.

1. After reading chapters 17-18, why don't the boys say something about the Warden's cruelty?

  • Go to our "New day, new blog" and click on the "29 comments" (you will see everyone's responses from last night).
  • Read a few responses from our class.
  • Choose 1 and respond to that student by hitting "REPLY".
  • Type at least 6 sentences of why you agree or disagree with what they wrote.
  • Submit your response the normal way.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

New day, new blog



Do you think the agreement that X-Ray and Stanley came up with is fair? Why or why not?

How does Stanley new nickname make him feel? How do you know?

Does Stanley moving up in the water line at the end of your reading mean anything? Why or why not?

Monday, May 21, 2012

First Post for Holes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Choose one of the following responses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In your own words, explain the story of Stanley's great-great-grandfather, Elya Yelnats from Latvia, and Madame Zeroni.

In Chapter 9, Stanley began to write a letter to his mother so she wouldn't worry about him.  Finish up the letter he started.  Then, re-write a letter to his mother describing how he really felt about Camp Green Lake.

In the first part of Holes, we find that yellow-spotted lizards are extremely dangerous.  Make a prediction as to how yellow-spotted lizards may play a role in this novel.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

2012 Summer Olympics

Answer these questions regarding the Olympics.

1. Have all the Olympic athletes for this summer's Games been selected? Explain.

2. How are the modern Games different from the ancient Games?

3. Based on his quote, list words that describe boxer Joseph Diaz Jr. and explain why you chose these words.

4. The Olympic motto is "Faster, higher, stronger!' Come up with your own Olympic motto.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Welcome to our Room 204 Blog!

Instead of keeping a reading log as we have for the other novels that we have studied this year, we are going to share our thoughts and ideas through use of this blog for Hatchet.  The responses will still be read and graded by me. Rather than getting one large grade at the end of the novel for your response journal, you will get credit for your responses along the way. 

A few rules need to be followed to ensure that you earn credit for your hard work:
  1. When you post, be sure to include your first name and last initial with your response. Also, please include your room number. For example, John Q, Room 204.
  2. Be sure to spell check your work before you submit your comment.
  3. Meet deadlines for submitting your comments.
  4. Make sure your submissions are still a minimum of 6 sentences.